Guilherme Duarte
Guilherme Duarte is dancer/choreographer and painter, born in Salvador, Brazil. He started his dance education at Universidade Federal da Bahia, from where he moved on to the Escola Criativa do Olodum, picking up Modern Dance, Afro Dance, Modern, Ballet between 1992 – 1998 respectively. Guilherme’s ability to stylistically combine several genres of dance took him as far as completing a Ballet course at the Advanced Dance Academy in 2006. This educational background was only a stepping stone towards building a formidable repertoire in a short amount of time. The last decade of Guilherme’s career has since been characterized in many roles as a dancer, choreographer and director. In 2012, he co-founded the Afro-Brazilian dance company, Amandla Danca Teatro. Since 2007, he has been a cast member of the world-renowned production, Lion King and has graced stages with this production in Germany, Brazil and currently in The Netherlands.