About Us
iAfrica Film Festival is organised by Yangambi. We aim to create an accessible platform to introduce what African cinema has to offer and we wish to ventilate the continuous importance it plays in society. Our film festival promises to be exhilarating as it provides visitors a different perspective of how African filmmakers view societal issues in and related to Africa. The founders, Dady Kiyangi and Angélique Mbundu, are the driving force behind the film festival.
Dady Kiyangi
Dady Kiyangi, founder of Yangambi, is of Congolese origin (Democratic Republic of the Congo) and is a social and a driven entrepreneur and a bon vivant. Dady Kiyangi has a background in welfare and since several years also active in the field of organising events and activities and the promotion thereof. Dady Kiyangi has a large network in the entertainment world. In addition to all of this is he is also the co-founder and supervisory board of African Young Professional Network (AYP).
Angélique Mbundu
Angélique Mbundu is originally from the Democratic Republic of the Congo. She is the artistic director of the iAfrica Film Festival. She has a law background with a rich experience in the public, private and non-profit sector. Angélique is co-founder of the African Young Professional Network (AYP), a network for African young professionals and students in the Netherlands.